October Newsletter

With the NPDL Fall Invitational fast approaching, it’s time for another update!

owl on a branch


At the last meeting of members, some school representatives suggested that NPDL run an online end-of-the-season national championship open to all applicants. The Board is considering hosting NPDL Nationals, so long as there is sufficient interest across all regions and enough people volunteer to serve on tournament staff.

If your school is interested in NPDL Nationals, please fill out this form by October 22.


Our Fall meeting of members will be held on Zoom, on October 23, 12:30 - 2PM (Pacific time), i.e. 3:30 - 5PM (Eastern time).

The meeting will include a vote on Proposal 5 from the Spring Written Ballot at the meeting. The proposal sponsor has also submitted a motion to amend the initial proposal.

If you cannot attend the meeting and want to designate a proxy or a substitute, please refer to the instructions on our website for changing who holds your school’s vote.

The meeting will also cover the discussion items listed on the draft agenda. If you want to add a discussion item to the agenda, please email npdl.board+president@gmail.com


To vote at the upcoming meeting of members on October 23rd, your school must be an NPDL member. Membership must be renewed annually. To register for 2022-23, click here.

If you were a member in 2021-22, you are currently in a grace period - your membership won’t expire until October 31, 2022.

Student representative designations from 2021-22, however, have already expired. To designate a new student rep, please renew your membership.

To view your current membership status, click here.


The 2023 NPDL Tournament of Champions is tentatively scheduled for March 31 - April 2.

Please email npdl.board+toc@gmail.com if you are aware of a major conflict on that weekend.

If you are interested in serving on TOC staff, please fill out this form.


We are looking for student and judge volunteers who are available for a few hours during the weekend of October 22-23 to help record rounds at NPDL Fall for our round recording database. If you are interested, please fill out this form and we will contact you with more details.


We are excited to announce the introduction of Board-facilitated inter-school scrimmages and drills this season! If you are interested in participating as a debater or judge, or interested in volunteering to help coordinate the scrimmage program, please fill out this form!


Our Outreach team has begun working with our NPDL correspondents, but is still recruiting for this season! Correspondents will update rankings, compose news articles, develop curriculum, and assist with social media.

Apply here - and forward the link to students who may be interested in applying